
Counseling and 心理健康 Center 教职员工

We are committed to providing 工作人员 and faculty with resources, information, and support to maximize your ability to help our students.


Are you urgently concerned about a currently enrolled UHCL student? 请考虑 making a report to the Crisis Awareness Response Emergency (CARE) Team for students with behavioral issues or other problems that are interfering with student 成功 和功能.

Referrals are made to the 学生办公室主任 so a CARE Team representative can contact the student and make necessary referrals:


Interactions and relationships with students or co-workers are sometimes challenging 和压力. Counseling and 心理健康 Center offers confidential consultation to 工作人员 and faculty to assist with problem-solving and identifying next steps.

Responding to Distressed and Distressing 学生 (PDF)


Your 成功 and happiness at work can be affected by a number of different factors not related to your job competence. We can help if you are struggling with personal issues including: anxiety, depression, feeling overwhelmed, family or relationship problems, coping with loss/grief, conflict management, self-esteem, body image, and 饮食失调. We offer 工作人员 and faculty a free, confidential appointment for you to discuss your concerns and obtain referral information for counseling resources 在社区里.



This mobile app helps track your moods, feelings and thoughts and provides coping mechanisms to mitigate intense stress levels.

Sign up with your UHCL email account for free — available to students, faculty, and 工作人员.



网上自助资源 include free, anonymous screenings, handouts and guided activities.

On campus, outreach displays are updated throughout the year as topics change. 通常情况下, handouts are available near the displays.

We also have an assortment of books, CDs, and other resources in our office that are 可供结帐.


感到压力? Looking for new relaxation techniques? 只是需要一个放松的空间 和放松? The Mind Spa is a biofeedback lab and relaxation room available to you during our regular office hours.


  • 按摩椅
  • 芳香疗法
  • 为平静而着色
  • 禅意花园
  • Water features and sound spas
  • 瑜伽垫
  • 冥想缓冲
  • 明星投影仪
  • 薰衣草香包

与 biofeedback, you’re connected to sensors that give you information about your bodily functions, such as heart rate and skin conductance. 这些信息很有帮助 you make subtle changes in your body, which can help with relaxation. 你会练习 deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, and mindfulness.

心灵水疗和生物反馈 are free services. Call 281-283-2580 to reserve a time.


We have knowledge and training related to a variety of topics including: learning support, career planning and placement, personal development, cooperative education, stress management, and mindfulness. We are available to provide workshops and presentations in classes, to campus organizations, and to 工作人员 and faculty departments.

Request a workshop/presentation 网上或在我们的办公室.


  • Counseling and 心理健康 Center


    SSCB 3103

    View CMHC Location on Map (PDF)

    星期一:早上9点.m. - 5 p.m.
    周二至周五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.

    请提前打电话 during holidays and semester breaks.